Monday, August 11, 2008

The day needs more hours...

maybe one night, if i pray real hard, hopefully i'll get a chance to actually POST something on here. but it's not gonna be this night. tomorrow teases me with promise--but that's what it always does. well, at least i have a good supply of tomorrows yet to come (knock on head, i.e. wood); i just gotta get better about filling them up with more life and less existence.

and right now, the minute flicks--and there's a new day gestating in the dark. so let me crawl under some sheets and give it time to grow until newborn sunrays stretch themselves across my (hopefully) well-rested form.

1 comment:

DMaj Issues said...

what's going on with my time stamp thingy?? i selected the right time zone...and as far as i can see from the clock right in front of me, it is 12:29 am...stupid blog makin me think im nuts