Saturday, August 16, 2008

4 am rant

why is it necessary for female athletes to have their asses hanging out all the time? the worst offender yet is the new addition of beach volleyball. now the men get to play the game in nice, loose shorts and muscle tees, but the women?? those 'uniforms' are friggin ridiculous! why dont they just put them in string bikinis or thongs or better yet--how about completely naked? if i was a female volleyball player i would flat out refuse to go out there like that--hell my bra and underpants provide more coverage than those little bitty things they put those women in. im sure they gotta be uncomfortable as hell too (judging by the amount of shots ive seen of sand-encrusted wedgies, it doesnt look like those bottoms stay where they belong). especially when you consider that half the time, the women are either squatting or bending forward with their hands on their knees. and tell me just how many men jizz right thru their pants when the women jump on one another in celebration after a game win (which usually involves one woman running up to the other and wrapping her arms and legs around her)...

but it's not just beach volleyball. it's gymnastics too. the guys are in friggin stirruped tights for christ's sake and the girls? once again, butts out (and questionably young butts at that). same deal with track and field...

even the press that female athletes get is so sexualized. i remember reading a list of the top 50 athletes of 2007 maybe in sports illustrated or some other such sporty magazine. with the male players, the dudes were all shown in their team gear or in some action shot pulling off some amazing feat of athleticism. but the women were all shown in studio shots--no action shots or shots even remotely connected to whatever sports they played. they were shown all gussied up in bikinis or beaters and underwear or all wet with poppin nipples. it's like even though the sports world is pretending to acknowledge the greatness of female athletes, they still render them pieces of meat either by the uniforms they are required to wear or in the way they are portrayed in the media....grrrrrr and more grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

and--AND i am so tired about hearing how this female athlete is beautiful as well as skilled or hot whatever. when stories are written up about male athletes, do you hear anything being said about their physical appearance? ive yet to hear that tom brady is a kick ass quarterback AND a hottie. nope, the men get evaluated on their talent alone. with women it's always talent + looks (and sometimes looks OVER talent like that one mediocre tennis player who was all hyped up cuz she was supposedly hot--her name is slipping my mind right now--not maria sharapova, the other blonde that came before her...ah fuck it. it's too early in the morning to be precise...

even the truly great (but not physically attractive by our country's stupid barbie doll beauty ideals) women athletes like billie jean king get snickered at and disrespected--like, who cares if their careers reached milestone after milestone, kicked down barriers and redefined standards? grrrrrrrrrrrrr and grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr all the way to bed...

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